Here is an exciting, describing, winter art picture for your student with autism. You will need, white paper, yarn, colorful buttons, and colored construction paper. First, the student will cut out the pair of mittens. Then, the student will hook the mittens together with yarn and tape. Next, the student will label the left mitten with the word “Winter” and label the right mitten with the current new year “2022” by cutting the words out. Next, the student will embellish the mittens by gluing on colorful buttons. Finally, the student will glue the mittens to white construction paper, and hang up for a nice winter decoration.
After completing the fun, winter, mitten art activity, it is time for your student to describe their winter picture. Model the language for them, if they are having trouble getting started. Here is an example: I made a winter, 2022 pair of mittens picture. Here is the pair of purple, winter mittens with colorful pink and purple buttons. They are hooked together with yarn.
Remember, friends and family want to hear from your student. This activity provides an opportunity to share what they have done and be able to practice describing a picture in detail.
Pair of Winter Mittens